The Disappointment of Guest Blogging Using Software

By | 2017-12-19T00:06:42+00:00 January 3rd, 2017|Blog|

This is a onetime practice encouraged by Matt Cutts, Google's anti-spam manager. So great was the surprise for the readers of his blog who could discover that he now condemned it, corrupted according to him by goals of natural referencing. So what now thinks Matt Cutts of the guest blogging? The guest blogging, or with [...]

What is Guest Blogging and how to Practice it?

By | 2017-12-19T00:06:42+00:00 January 3rd, 2017|Blog|

What is the principle of guest blogging?   The guest blogging is an animation technique of your blog that allows both benefiting from the notoriety of the guest author and thus attracting new readers. More precisely, a blogger can invite a person, as a general rule it is an expert in his field, so that [...]

Good Practices for Guest Blogging

By | 2017-12-19T00:06:42+00:00 January 3rd, 2017|Blog|

The guest blogging is an effective method to improve the natural referencing of one’s blog and gain notoriety in the blogosphere. This net-linking technique has nevertheless evolved over the years with the updates of the algorithm of Google. What is the interest of the blogging guest today and what precautions are needed to succeed in [...]