4 Tried and Tested Formulas for Guest Posting Success

Nowadays, as the internet plays such an important role in so many aspects of everyday life, you’ll find more and more people trying their hand at guest posting/blogging. In terms of blogger outreach, guest posting is absolutely ideal for getting your blogs out there, and more importantly, for reaching your target audiences and demographics in the process.

Once you’re an established blogger with countless hits and subscribers each month, you will have little else to worry about other than creating engaging and useful content. For those of you who are just starting out, however, blogging can be extremely testing.

To help get your blog to where it needs to be, guest posting/blogging is undoubtedly one of the most successful formulas for blogger outreach and guest posting success.

Here’s a look at a few tried and tested tips for guest posting success.

Read and understand other guest posts:

Before you even consider submitting a guest post to a blog, one of the first things you will need to do is read and understand guest posts left by other individuals. This is very important yet it is also one of the more fundamental aspects of guest posting and blogging.

Before you submit content, take the time to read through other guest posts and really analyze the content that is being posted. This will help you get an understanding of the style and format the blogs appear to prefer, plus it may even help get your own creative juices flowing.

Make a list of blogs in your chosen niche:

Another way of helping to maximize your chances of guest posting success is to make a list of successful blogs that specialize in your chosen niche. If for example, you choose to specialize in, say, running shoes, you should take the time to find a list of blogs that also cover running shoes, and perhaps very similar topics I.E running, running clothing, etc.

For blogger outreach, this is important because each of these blogs could potentially be publishing your posts one day, so understand each one, gather all possibilities together in a handy list.

Don’t run before you can walk:

When people guest post on blogs, they often set their sights far too high, to begin with, and instantly try going for the big time players in their respective niches. Of course, you should set your sights high, but it is vital that you don’t try to run before you can walk.

Basically, this means that rather than going for the large and most successful blogs, to help get an understanding of what is required of you and your posts, you should instead begin with the smaller, and lesser-known blogs instead.

Targeting these blogs is important because getting published will be easier, plus you will gain very valuable experience. As you gain more experience you can set your sights higher and perhaps go for larger and larger blogs.

Engage with the blogs you wish to post on:

Before you guest post on a blog, if there is a blog or two that you have your sights set on, rather than trying to submit a post right away, try engaging with the blogs instead. Share their posts, engage with other posters, and leave useful, constructive, and engaging comments.

By establishing yourself early, you could help gain credibility which will also maximize your chances of having your posts published.

By | 2017-12-19T00:06:41+00:00 January 31st, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

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